Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I ship Globally with Team Rac?
  •      Yes, Thought our logistics partners we can ship and manage logistically any where in the world.

2.   Can I track my shipment?
  •      Yes, All shipments are documented using our logistics management system, which allow our customers fast and accurate information.

3. Do you provide file mile services?
  •      Yes, It true the last leg of the delivery process is the most vital in providing outstanding service. So we promise to our customers to meet their demands head on.

4.    Can you deliver to show site?
  •      In Atlanta and Baltimore,MD, we provide tradeshow logistics and warehousing for many fortune 500 companies. We specialize in tradeshow management, which gives us the ability to provide a level of performance that our competitors can match.

5.   How can I save money on my trade show budget?
  •      It simple by letting us handle your shipping needs to and from trade shows on our service areas. If you are doing a trade show in our service area we can guarantee you will save money by using logistic platform.
        If you are shipping to the RAC warehouse why call a third party to ship to us, let us handle it cutting out the middle man and save you money.

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